SUFJ has been working since years on violence against women and girls
Our last ongoing project is in partnership with Canada Fund for Local Initiatives,which granted us funds to implement it.
The idea is to empower women through financial independence. Most of them indeed cannot avoid an abusive relationship because they are not able to support themselves.
The project has offered to 34 women in Kingston and Portland,the opportunity to undergo cosmetology classes and to achieve a diploma through HEART Foundation .
Practical training and also classes on entrepreneurship to teach them for to successfully manage their business. Beside that, in collaboration with PAVE, sessions on domestic abuse to learn what to do and where to go in such case.
Also 100 men have been involved in workshops to learn about dialogue, respect, mutual understanding . Very interesting and productive sessions.
The project reached to and end and on March 4 we will have a graduation ceremony with all graduated ladies, all trainers and partners ,with the presence of the Canadian High Commissioner ,Her Excellency Emina Tudakovic .It will be a special day to celebrate all together, to deliver certificates and packages with items to start their activity and to enjoy ourselves.We wish them success and we are determined to continue with a next group.